Our team loves to create integrated media campaigns, which combine multiple channels like online video and tv commercials, radio, print and social assets with a consistent message to a specific audience. Each assignment is different and we always start from a clear marketing strategy to reach the goals and achieve the Kpi’s that were indicated by our clients. Lucky for us our team consists of strategists, conceptual and visual creatives, copywriters, digital and social experts and our very own video and motion department.


LU Koekoekses

1 out of 2 in Belgium
sometimes feels lonely.
We positioned LU biscuits as the perfect conversation starter, to inspire and enable the Belgians to create more meaningful connections and thus creating a more LUving society.

Tempo-Team Flex & Fix

GEN Z is struggling with their career choices - some of them want a fixed job, others are looking for flexible solutions. Tempo Team wanted to become more relevant towards these job starters, so we launched “Flex & Fix”, a no-nonsense campaign featuring… ice-cream!

Berry Alloc: HPF

When it comes to strength,
there's nothing to match BerryAlloc's
High Pressure Floors: these floors are perfect for the adventures of modern home and work life. We tested if these floors are actually impact proof, featuring two teens having
a home party…


LU Waffle launch

We Belgians love our waffles and our chocolate. Imagine the best of both melting together into a delicious and unique Begian biscuit? LU asked us to launch their first soft LU Waffle, topped with intense Côte d’Or chocolate. We just couldn’t resist!


How can we make e5 fashion more relevant to the target audience we are not reaching today?And ensure that e5 fashion becomes one of their regular shopping addresses?


What’s your excuse?

A question we got from Coke:
How can we demonstrate that CC cares about a sustainable society? We came up with a campaign that made Millenials aware and aducate them at the same time. Discover the CC Lame excuses!


Lu spreads the love

The new brand positioning of
LU is all about sharing the love.
Through an engaging campaign that matched the TVC we changed the names of the LU packs with the most common LUve names that Belgians give to each other…

Want to see more? Let’s meet!